View Source LastCrusader.Webmentions.Sender (Last Crusader v0.11.0)
Schedules webmentions to be send
It first checks of the origin exists before sending webmentions. It will retry this check every minute until it reaches the configured number of tries.
Finds syndication links (from bridy to twitter) in a list of Webmentions responses
Schedules webmentions to be send with 1 minute wait between every try (default is 15 times)
Sends Webmentions to every link
@type url() :: String.t()
Finds syndication links (from bridy to twitter) in a list of Webmentions responses
@spec schedule_webmentions(url(), pos_integer()) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()}
Schedules webmentions to be send with 1 minute wait between every try (default is 15 times)
Sends Webmentions to every link