View Source LastCrusader.Micropub.Hugo (Last Crusader v0.11.0)
Generates Hugo compatible data, file content, file name
Renders the post date into Hugo's expected date format (ISO 8601)
Generates TOML formatted front-matter
Generates the complete filename (with path) for a Hugo website
Create a new Hugo document
Retrieves the local file path of a post from its published public URL
Retrieves the local directory path of a post from its published public URL
@spec convert_date_to_hugo_format(DateTime.t()) :: BitString.t()
Renders the post date into Hugo's expected date format (ISO 8601)
@spec generate_front_matter( DateTime.t(), LastCrusader.Micropub.PostTypeDiscovery.post_type(), map() ) :: LastCrusader.Utils.Toml.toml()
Generates TOML formatted front-matter
@spec generate_path( LastCrusader.Micropub.PostTypeDiscovery.post_type(), String.t(), DateTime.t() ) :: path()
Generates the complete filename (with path) for a Hugo website
- type: can be
- name: for the file name
- date
@spec new(LastCrusader.Micropub.PostTypeDiscovery.post_type(), DateTime.t(), map()) :: {path(), LastCrusader.Utils.Toml.toml(), path()}
Create a new Hugo document
Retrieves the local file path of a post from its published public URL
Retrieves the local directory path of a post from its published public URL